May Allah gives us Hidayah to gain His pleasures

We would never have thought to do 2 events in the span of one week!

سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ

(Glory be to Allah and Praise Him)

Originally, we were reminded that Ramadhan is coming, Ramadhan is coming. 

In his speech on Empowering Youth to the night Journey of Isra’ Mi’raj, Ustaz Khairul Nazif said that there are few things that we should be afraid of with the coming of the holy month.

  1. Afraid that we may not meet Ramadhan this year.
  2. Afraid that after we undergone the academy of Ramadhan, we are still the same old we, not anyone great.

Therefore, in order to prepare for Ramadhan, we must soften up our hearts with always be aware of our past sins, whether big or small. And to always read Al-Quran, and seek guidance from it.

As a result, we planned for an outing as our special Program Ceramah Muslimah Pre-Ramadhan. Yeay~ 🙂


The second event was actually a rushed one. What started as a naive invitation for a collaboration, as we were also very interested in joining the wagon of entrepreneurship in Brunei, someone of greatness came to our circle. Due to the nature of entrepreneurship, a committee was very skeptical of holding the event within a short time with other committees who still lack knowledge regarding business and start-ups.

But with the help and effort from students of UniSSA, alhamdulillah, we were able to put ourselves together and organized a Muslimah Entrepreneurship Clinic. Also, the big hearts from Exco Entrepreneurship and Economy of MPPUTB who have helped with the paper works and letters for approval.

Hectic, hectic, hectic. I wouldn’t want to go through it again, as a Chairperson. Nevertheless, it was a pretty interesting roller coaster ride and this will be added to the milestone of Muslimah High Class.ما شاء الله ~!


Some interesting tidbits I wanna share are the objectives behind the conducting of the clinic. The vision of an Islamic Economics undergrad in UTB is to see the ummah of Brunei Darussalam, especially the muslimaats, to be independent. To take the steps of entrepreneurship according to maqasid as-Syariah. The women in Islam of Brunei, despite having difficulties due to being a woman, are encouraged to become the driver of social change in Brunei Darussalam. Or becoming the producers of products, brands, and services that are highly innovative and competitive, rather than just the intermediary or consumers.

Hopefully, we are able to achieve this dream some day إن شاء الله !

P/S: Both of our official pretty posters are designed by our talented Nur Afiqah binti Haji Awang Tengah, the current committee for Media and Publicity of EKK MPPUTB!

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